sand bath?
Haha. Okay, I was just perusing the news when I ran into this story about a saharan sand bath. I might have to try this while I'm hanging around the desert, if I can round up a few folks to unbury me. Or maybe I'll see if I can convince someone else to try it first...
Ha ha! Great advice. I've been trying to find ziplock bags, but they seem to be pretty scarce. Maybe people here prefer that feeling of continual grit. It is truly amazing where sand grains end up. It's a bit like water - it goes everywhere, especially where you least want it. Not sure if the winter mud is something to look forward to or not. Folks seem pretty split on the idea. Half seem to look forward to the cool weather, half seem to dread the wet. I'll probably miss most of it, since I'll be gone from mid-December through February. Means I'll miss the flash floods too, which would be nice to see. Maybe I'll be back in time for the wildflowers though.
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