Lizard Man's Travels

This site is a journal of my travels and other adventures while I shift from doing postdoctoral research on tree frog ecology in Darwin, Australia, to research on digestive physiology of lizards and bats in Sede Boqer, Israel. Enough friends have been asking me for regular updates on this journey, that I thought this would be the best forum to keeep everyone up to date (including me).

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Agate field site

Agate field site
Originally uploaded by wandering lizard.
This is one of our rock slime field sites - the one where we find agates with slime under them. Turns out that this is a pretty well-known site. While we were there, a group of rock-hounds from somewhere in Victoria showed up. They seemed pretty amused when we said we were looking for rocks with green slime under them, but they said that they'd found a bunch of them. They offered to give us some from their stash, and went to get them, but they never came back. It would have been nice to see what they had found.


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